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The Sky is Never the Limit.

Hello Beauties,

While I started my new job yesterday, I also found out that today was going to be a work from home day. I got to wake up, make myself coffee and breakfast, and then turn on my laptop to get to work.

It was pretty easy going and was lovely to get to settle back into bed; however, this morning, I realized that I ended up passing out after one episode of Jessica Jones season two on Netflix without even taking off my makeup from the day. Apparently, the big move, LARPing, and starting my job without much rest really hurt my energy without even realizing it.

Today, I ended up waking up and immediately knew that there was mascara left on my eyelashes since it took a lot more effort to open my eyes.

As I started up my work laptop, I quickly took off yesterday’s makeup to see the damage on my face. It seemed pretty bad since I used my E.L.F. concealer and it got pretty settled into my pores and clogged them.

I can see a few budding breakouts because I didn’t wash my face and probably a few caused by stress these past few days from the move and starting my first day.

These breakouts are going to be a little rough to get over, but staying at home today is going to help quite a bit. I’ll be able to give my face a break since work consists of a conference call.

I’ve already started my bit of self-pampering today by washing my face thoroughly on one of my 15 minute breaks, then applying a paper mask afterwards. This lets my face soak in the mask while still at work.

Now, I’ve got on my headset and can finish up the mask without too much of a worry.

This weekend, I’ve got an amazing LARP that I’m extremely excited for, despite the weather outside, so not only am I treating myself to a pair of YakTrax (attachments to regular shoes so that I can get pretty good traction on ice), but I’m also going to spring for a mani/pedi.

I’m already looking forward to it since I put a lot of my focus recently on my new job.

While I know that I have to work through finding an apartment and a car so that I can focus more on the job, I also needed a reminder today that I should take care of myself. That reminder was definitely waking up with mascara still on.

Yes, today was lucky since I was able to work from home and I know most people don’t have snow days that let them work from home or jobs that really let people work remotely. I understand that, but there’s always time to make sure that you’re taking care of you.

I’ve even told myself to put down my laptop and close it for the night just so that I would stop stressing myself out about writing. I’ve put off hanging out with friends and other enjoyable things to make sure that I felt good about myself and what I was doing.

In the end, it’s really all about self-care and knowing what you can and can’t handle.

This job, is super important to me, but I also need to make sure that I’m good overall before I can function for other people.

How do you know when you’ve reached your limit and need to do something for you?


Beauty Bound Beta


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