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Fake Makeup: Knockoff and Health Hazard?

Hey Beauties,

I was bored one night after rewatching Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix for the nth time and started looking for makeup deals on the web. After looking up some of my favorite brands, I started noticing some incredibly low prices for Too Faced, Lorac, and Urban Decay palettes.

When I clicked on those products, I saw that most of the palettes were going from $8 to $15 dollars each. While the price was intriguing, the amounts that the sellers had of the product were insane. They seemed to have over 1000 of each palette in stock and some sellers were saying that there was a max of 10 palettes per buyer.

I started to look into it a little more and dove into the reviews of the product. I noticed that a lot of the reviews had some swatches and pictures of the products that they received. After grabbing some of my own palettes, I decided to compare them.

I realized that some of the palettes had colors in the wrong places or were just a completely different color than the official and original palettes.

I made an order to see if the fake makeup, or rather, fakeup, was at least a decent quality for the prices that they were going for. I decided to go for the false Self-Made palette by Anastasia Beverly Hills and the Mariah Carey lipstick collection from MAC Cosmetics.img_4465.jpg

I didn’t have the lipstick line or the palette, so I didn’t have much to compare it to, but decided to give it a try anyways.

When I first got the palette, it seemed like it was in decent looking packaging but there were obvious signals that it was fake. Some of the barcodes were in the wrong place and the colors didn’t seem to match other palettes I’d seen online either.IMG_4471.JPG

It didn’t smell too chemically, so I tried to swatch a few of the shades, hoping for a decent color. The swatches turned out so chalky that I decided the palette would probably only be used as decoration in my room instead of as an actual palette.img_4466.jpg

As for the lips, I thought I was going to get colors similar to MAC’s Mariah Carey line. Instead, I got about 12 colors that didn’t really look anything close to MAC’s line. After swatching a few on my arm, I realized that they smelled a bit off and seemed unsafe to put on my lips, so I probably won’t be using these anytime soon other than just decorating my room with cute packaging.

All in all, the fake makeup didn’t seem terrible, but for me, they really weren’t worth the money. I get that some people aren’t able to afford the original palettes because even on sale, they’re still pretty pricey; however, I wouldn’t recommend spending your money on the fakeups either.

It’s way better to save up for a palette that you’ll love and get quality use out of instead of buying a ton of palettes that won’t give you the same pigmentation, long-wear, or safety guarantee.

Also, for all of the makeup companies trying to come up with a ton of new products, it seems like a terrible way to just copy their products to sell.

Some companies will at least remove the logos and change how the packaging looks, but some just keep it with the fake brand name still on the packaging and products.

In my opinion, it isn’t exactly fair to those people who have formulated those new shades and spent so much time and effort into making sure that the products that they’re coming out with will be adored and used by so many of their fans. It’s especially not fair to try and pass off those items as though they were legitimate palettes or lip colors.

What products do you want to try but are super unsure of? Comment them down below!


Beauty Bound Beta

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